first demonstartion at c.p.t regina pacis in san foca

24.Jul.03 - on the third day of the camp about 250 activists visited the immigrant detention center in san foca some 15 kilometers north of the campsite. the center, which is situated directly at the Adriatic coast was scene of numerous abuses of inmates last year and currently houses a wide variety of inmates. after talking to the inmates and demanding the liberation of them and the closure of all detention centers the activists visited the nearby beaches in order to confront the sun-bathers with the situation only a couple of meters away. [click here for a short video clip]

the immigrant detention center ('c.p.t') 'regina pacis' in san foca

the center is located right a the beach

talking to the detainees

indymedia at work

pakistani inmates waiting for a decision of their asylum requests

discussion with locals in favor of the detention center

adressing the detainees

after the visit to the center the beach nerby was visited