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international bordercamp strasbourg

the camp handbook (manual of inter-barrio geopolitics)

this item is available in: [en] [de] [fr] [it]

Up to now, everything's going fine... The booklet you have in your hands contains information you need to know to spend ten good days living and working here collectively, and to get the best out of the various resources available both in and outside the camp. We recommend that you read it carefully.

The experience of this camp will be a challenge to put our ideas into practice. Its success will lie in everyone getting involved in the collective activities and tasks needed for the self-management of a camp of around 2000 people. One of our objectives is to implement a complete vision of the world(s) we're fighting for in the here and now, and right down to the smallest details of daily life.

This guide is part of a set of documents that should benefit the development of the camp. You can also get more in-depth information concerning specific aspects of the camp and related events: political (camp's presentation leaflet), legal (activist's legal handbook, refugees'/'sans-papiers' legal guide), medical (first help advice) and more...

The working principles described in this guide are the result of several months of collective work. During this camp diverse political cultures will interact, and language barriers will have to be overcome. We are aware that the choices we've made will neither always convince everybody, nor avoid conflicts. Therefore we would urge everyone to exercise responsibility and respect, and simply ask that the general functioning of the camp should not be called into question.

Nevertheless, what is described in this guide is not carved in stone. It's a picture of the present time, of a feat of organisation that has to continue developing both during and after the camp. We want to open spaces both to constructively criticise and evaluate this experiment so that it can nurture the permanent construction of other possible worlds.

The individuals and collectives involved in the preparation of the camp have decided upon a philosophy of organisation based on an on-going search for self-management, decentralisation, autonomy and, of course, equality. In practice, it implies avoiding, as far as is possible, people specialising in certain tasks or 'manager / consumer'-type relationships. In general, and particularly within the framework of the camp, we are seeking to challenge racist, sexist, anti-Semitic and homophobic behaviour, and therefore expect everyone to make sure such attitudes find no room here.

A map of the site is attached to this booklet and will enable you locate to the various collective structures and living areas (if you've got a problem, ask at the info-point). Happy reading!

(Dissolved Insurgent Editorial Team)


General organisation / fluidity and structure
• 'Inter-Barrio Geopolitics'
• Meetings, assemblies and decision-making processes

Self-managed collective structures
• daily-life collective structures
• Welcome-point
• Labyrinth and info-shop
• General info-point and barrios' info-points
• 'Bertha' group
• 'Children's/Kids' group
• Collective kitchens and supply

Other structures
- anti-tech cafe
-women-only cafe

Communication and media
• Independent media
• Internet access
• Mainstream media relations

Before, during and after actions....
• Action facilitation group
• Medical Team
• Legal Support Group
• Translation co-ordination

Recommendations, contacts and practical information

General Organisation

After numerous debates, the different collectives involved in the camp preparation process have finally decided to negotiate the site access in order to avoid directing all our energy towards the possible defence of the camp.

The general objective is that everyone can participate and get fully involved not only in actions, debates and meetings in the camp, but also in the management of daily life (food, toilets, waste...) and in decision-making and political choices. Decentralised organisation seemed to us to be the best way to get everyone participating actively.

Geopolitics without borders:

a) Barrios (neighbourhoods, areas of the camp): daily life will be organised within the camp in each of the different barrios around a kitchen, toilet block, waste- collection/management and discussion space. The idea behind this barrio structure is to make collective management easier and to allow a maximum number of people to participate in the decision making. Participants are free to locate themselves anywhere in the different barrios according to personal choice or specific needs (e.g. food, noise, kids, etc.). It would be good not to arrange the barrios by reproducing divisions along the lines of countries/nationalities, but instead to try to mix with each other. Let's avoid looking silly... No Borders! Within each barrio you're invited to sign yourselves up on lists to get involved in the sharing of daily tasks.

b) Collective structures: These will work for the whole camp and need everybody's involvement. Precise locations can be checked on the site map.

Meetings, assemblies and decision-making

Barrio meetings:
Their function is:
• To organise daily life and sort out practical questions such as waste management, toilets, kitchens, showers etc.
• To solve disagreements or conflicts among the inhabitants of each barrio.
• To work out political positions on topics that affect the whole camp and to assign delegates to the Inter-Barrio Assembly.

Collective structures meetings:
These are designed to organise their activities and get practical/technical problems sorted out. They will also be delegating one person to the Inter-Barrio Assembly.

Affinity group meetings:
In the spirit of autonomy, diverse initiatives, actions and workshops that don't need to be discussed in the Inter-Barrio Assembly will only be announced (in the info point, actions co-ordination tent, intern radio...) and/or be discussed in the collectives and affinity groups involved.

Inter-Barrio Assemblies (camp co-ordination):
These assemblies will consist of delegates from the different collective structures, barrios, and affinity groups (if needed).

The subjects that will be discussed there are:
• The collective attitude to adopt in case of serious police repression (e.g. the threat of eviction, mass arrests, etc.) • The collective expression of the camp's final action which will be discussed and finalised throughout the ten days.
• The collective attitude in case of serious conflicts/internal difficulties that weren't able to be resolved within the barrio meetings/affinity groups.
• The co-ordination of collective structures
• Actions prepared by groups that consider them to involve consequences or risks that need to be discussed with delegates from the whole camp.
• Any other business...

The agenda for the Inter-Barrio Assemblies will be available beforehand at the info point, so that it can be discussed in each barrio.

Barrio meetings could take place every morning at breakfast and the Inter-Barrio Assembly will follow at 10.30 am.

The co-ordination meetings of collective structures and affinity groups will take place whenever suits those concerned.

Self Managed Collective Structures

The collective infrastructures of daily life

Welcome point (located at the entrance of the camp)

Information will be available in several languages. It isn't an entrance control but a check-in to get an overview of how many we are and what materials for collective use people bring along. It's aimed for both people settling in the camp, and for people passing by.

What will be available there?

• A general and political presentation of the camp. • The agenda of "public" activities (both on site and in town). Groups can choose to announce their actions publicly if they want to. • Each barrio is invited to have "welcome-people" in order to help orienting newcomers.

The "Labyrinth" and the Infoshop (infokiosk)

The Labyrinth will be a space where all groups can introduce themselves through texts, images, flyers, etc. It will be complemented by the infoshop (infokiosk), a place to distribute material brought by the different collectives (books, videos, etc).

We invite each group to prepare a presentation of their activities, (so think of translations!)

Central info-point

This is going to be an interactive structure for communication, which will be essential for co-ordinating activities and camp information.
Among other things you'll find there:
• A briefing on the general functioning of the camp and of collective structures
• A map and practical information
• A detailed version of the camp timetable and daily schedule updated and sustained by everyone (except actions displayed in the action tent)
• Reports and agendas for the Inter-Barrio Assemblies
• Messages, updates and all kind of announcements
• Boards for free expression
• Co-ordination of translators
• And more!

Info-points in barrios

These will be administrated by each barrio and relayed by everyone. You'll find there such things as:
Maps, practical and co-ordination information for the different tasks linked to each barrio, announcements, calls, etc.

Bertha (Big Bertha is watching you !) - security and conflict-resolution group

Its function is the setting up and co-ordination of a concept of security and conflict-resolution within the camp.

General principles:

We don't want to re-create a police force or flex muscles. The 'Bertha' members are security co-ordinators and mediators, with responsibility for it being collective. The idea is to deal with problems locally and quickly. For the moment we will secure eight barrios and one collective area per day.

It's been suggested that we have a minimum of 6 persons in each Barrio-Bertha team. The collective area will also have to set up a Bertha team.

Each team should delegate a person to attend the daily Bertha team co-ordination meeting (8 barrios + 1 collective area = 9 Bertha people). Those 9 people will maintain a 24 hour presence in the Bertha tent (with a rotating shift system and ensuring that all the languages have been covered). They will centralise all the information about what's going on in the camp and in the City. Each Barrio-Bertha group will have a walkie-talkie to keep in touch with the Bertha tent.

Any problems will be announced by a sound-system (calls adapted to the nature of the alert).

Kids' group


During the first days of the camp, a general assembly for children will take place with a specific agenda and taking turns to talk without adult intervention (except if needed). An adult delegate will accompany the child delegated to take part in the Inter-Barrio Assembly. This to give a full space for the kids' concerns.

The group's objective is not to create a nursery on the camp but to offer a wide range of different activities for the kids and adults present on the camp, so as to ensure a connection with them.

The objective is also to involve a maximum number of kids in daily activities. We'll offer them the chance to take part in the cooking, for example, and take them along on the 'Suburban Caravan' to make contact and share exchanges with other kids there. Also, the workshops on the camp are an open space for kids from Strasbourg's suburbs.


A few workshops have already been offered, such as juggling, making juggling balls, different drumming workshops, puppet-making, dance and movement, collective painting projects, nature activities, themed games... but we're calling for more ideas (as many as possible). Everyone is welcome to participate. Any material you can bring for the kids will be warmly welcome. A tent will be in the kids' area (near the medical tent) for activities in case of bad weather and for kids/parents who wish to camp in this area.

Collective Kitchens

There are six kitchen collectives and/or kitchen infrastructures that will be self-managed at the barrio level (one of them could be created with the material already present). Everyone can and is invited to participate int the kitchen management.

In certain kitchen collectives, there'll be people who have experience in how to manage resources/food supplies and in preparing meals in large quantities. Anyone can ask them for advice.

Infrastructures and/or collective kitchens, which will be working on the basis of donations or 'suggested price' (in French prix libre) are:

• Maulwurf of Freiburg -500 people at least
• Txirivita (Barcelona) -400 people
• Harira kitchen collective -(MIB and Festival permanent) 100 people: vegetarian food and non vegetarian from North Africa
• Karlsruhe kitchen (to be confirmed) -vegan food 100 people
• Sans Titre kitchen collective -vegetarian food 100 people
• Various kitchen equipment to make one more infrastructure

We hope you've brought your plates, glasses, cups and cutlery along with you. Avoid disposable stuff, there will be washing up facilities.

Food supply and co-ordination

Meetings will take place once a day, in the evening, to make lists of the needs and tasks for the following morning.

Other structures:

Anti-technology cafe:
This will be a convivial open area, free from the crutches of technology. A tea-room that will be working on the basis of donations (prix libre). And a space for thoughts and debate about the use of technologies.

* Women-only cafe:
This will be a women-only area. There will be the chance for people to display information, pictures, etc, as a part of the "women and migration" forum.

Communication and media

Alternative medias

These are going to be gathered in the camp within the independent media centre. An office infrastructure will be accessible to write press releases, flyers, etc.


One of them will be located in the camp and can be found on . Because of the limited bandwidth, we cannot have more than one radio broadcast going out of the camp, so the different groups that want to broadcast will have to share it. A suggested way of organising this is to have a daily meeting to plan for the next day. As the broadcast will be in different languages, a schedule of languages will be arranged. The second web-radio will be set up by the Noborderzone Bus and will broadcast daily from 7 to 7.30 p.m.

Web-news (web journal):
Available on the web page « », it will contain the latest news and will be put up by an editorial team.


There will be 2 types of radio on the camp:
An external one that will broadcast various programs and news throughout Strasbourg and the surrounding area.

An internal one that will be offering many options:
- Broadcasting of the Inter-Barrio Assembly
- Translation of meetings and debates
- News flashes
- Announcements
- And lots of other things depending on everybody's wishes and creativity

Internet access

On the camp:
The Internet cafe, located in the independent media centre, will enable everyone to access the Internet, to read or post news on the open publishing space on

The Noborderzone Bus ( Publix Theatre Caravan):
This is an old, British double-decker bus. It has an infrastructure for radio editing, Internet access, video-screening facilities and information tables. The bus should be considered an extension of the camp, and will ensure a presence in the city centre. All kinds of actions around it are welcome. The bus will return to the camp in the evenings. Video screenings are planned.

The Syndicat Potentiel (13 rue des couples - Strasbourg centre)
In the framework of a larger infoshop, an Internet cafe (Linux) will be open with permanent workshops organised by d.sec. The Syndicat Potentiel will be have an exhibition of 'organigrammes' by the "Bureau d'étude" (Strasbourg artistic collective) as well as the 'Universal Embassy project'.

Mainstream media relations:

A clearly delimited space at the entrance will be designated to welcome the mainstream media. Each group willing to give interviews should come to the area. A media relations group will be there to facilitate communication.

Before, during and after actions

Action co-ordination

The creation of actions (and affinity groups) is encouraged throughout the camp. There will be a specific tent and working area for facilitating and preparing actions (check out the map). There you will be able to access the following:
• Any available collective materials (you may have to book them)
• Useful orientation in Strasbourg (buses, maps, hiring resources)
• An action preparation guide and info about past actions
• Advice
• A plan with meeting points for preparing actions.

A few notices about actions during the camp:
• Each group should make sure they leave a press release somewhere accessible on the camp and one person to remain with the legal group before doing the action
• Refugees without papers, as for everyone else, should think through the risks/dangers linked to their actions - both for themselves and for others.
• Action groups should think about what they can do to ensure the protection of the more vulnerable among us.

Actions during the camp :
• Some actions will be announced through the camp program, and will generally be previously prepared actions with public participation expected. • Others will be discussed and thought of during the camp.

Principles: no limits, no guidelines on the forms actions may take, but we can imagine that there'll be many different kinds:
• Actions which are legally authorised involve less risk
• Actions without legal authorisation involve more or less risk.

Depending on the risk factor, the implications for the camp, and the will to involve as many people as possible, groups taking action initiatives may choose to organise their actions as follows:
• In a closed and unannounced way with restricted participation and a meeting point to prepare the action, which should be on the timetable in the action tent, and perhaps with a short description of the kind of action
• Other types of action with wide participation should be thought of and discussed in Inter-Barrio Assemblies. This could be the case for actions that will need the widest participation possible, and especially the last action that should be discussed and finalised throughout the camp
• It should also be the case for any actions in response to repressive police strikes or actions that have such potential implications for the whole camp that the organisers wish to have feedback from other collectives and barrios.

Medical team

Medical teams will be permanently stationed in the camp. They'll have a tent in which you'll be able to find someone to help you 24 hours a day. These medical teams will be in place to redirect people, to do some prevention, and intervene in case of emergency. They will deal with small injuries and faintness in the camp and during actions.

In this tent, you'll also find some information on various topics including: sexually-transmittable infections, contraception, drug use, self-medication (with herbs and essential oils), alternatives to medical treatments.

People from the medical teams will be identifiable on the camp and during actions by an armband. Do not hesitate to come and see them, to get information, to chat, to participate in workshops and to get involved in first-aid teams (first-aid bags are available to take along to actions, as well as a handbook about what or what not to do).

A list of sympathetic doctors will also be available if you need to be checked out.

The team is also interested in setting up workshops to share knowledge and skills (alternatives to conventional medicines, herbal treatments) and in creating a workshop on the subject of 'anti-psychiatry' (the relationship between psychiatry and social control).

Emergency numbers :

Firemen : 18
SAMU (ambulance): 15
For mobile phones : 112

Warning: read the med-team small guide to know important information that you may need to give to emergency services.

Legal group

The legal group has given itself two objectives:
• To help the participants' look after themselves in the case of a repressive strike by police.
• To offer a legal workshop and discussions on the sharing of everyone's knowledge and skills associated with the experience of repression.

·It is present in three ways in the camp:

1) All documentation will be available in French, German, English and some in Italian, Spanish and Arabic.
• An activist's guide
• A refugee's guide
• A short text with advice for activists, to keep with you.

2) fixed space on the camp where workshops and information will be available.

3) A phone number will always be available to call in case of problems (only the legal group will call lawyers if needed.) Everyone should learn the number by heart. All information on the place and time of arrests, the number of people arrested, the conditions of their arrest, their eventual release, etc, will be useful to us. Try to avoid unconfirmed gossip. If possible, we would like to have to direct evidence. If someone is telling you something, tell him/her to call us directly. Don't hesitate to pass on the legal group phone number to anyone who may need it. An Internet address is available to send non urgent messages: accounts of repressive police action, offers of eye- witness accounts etc. Be attentive to calls we could make if we need evidence/witness statements for a court case defence.

Working guidelines:

To most effectively manage the immediate follow-up of any action repressed by the police, it would be really useful if all groups, when preparing to take action, make sure that one activist stays with the legal group during the course of that action.

• The legal group (not only these activists) will carry on working after the camp to take charge of any legal follow-up (court cases), with the concrete and active political support of all the collectives and individuals involved in the camp. That means a group of people will stay in Strasbourg after the camp. We'll also need to organise the financial liability.

• The legal team will show solidarity with any kind of repression against actions in relation with the camp (without making value-judgements), and with any repressive action in Strasbourg city districts. In the case of violence, intimidation attempts or police repression occurring in Strasbourg and its suburbs, don't hesitate to contact us. We'll try to come up with concrete answers and ways of supporting the participants of the camp.

• Defence choices are, of course, political choices and it will be up to those who get arrested and those who are supporting them to make those choices and to take charge of publicity and of getting media attention, without delegating this role to lawyers or others. If no press release is offered by those participating in an action, in the case of arrest, we'll send out a text with information about the number of arrested people, arrest conditions. And make a call for their release and for the charges to be dropped in the name of the No Border network. On no account will we ever give the name of an arrested person and we are inviting all the participants of the camp to do so too.

• Within the framework of this camp, we are, in principle, against calling upon State Justice in case of acts occurring internally at the camp which, in the current social framework, are generally followed by a lawsuit. We are aware that this position can raise painful and complex debates. But if we are to carry out a radical critique of the police, judicial system and prisons, it seems to us to be essential that the Bertha groups and all the participants of the camp ask themselves about the possibility of collective answers for those kinds of acts and for preventing them. Of course this involves everyone taking responsibility for putting those collective answers into practice.

• The legal group will work with officially appointed lawyers for visits to those being kept in custody and to ask for the court case reports. And with several lawyers involved in the legal group on the basis of prices negotiated in advance to prepare defences. The legal group will try its best to cover the costs of these defences and court cases. If people who get arrested wish to use other lawyers, they will have to pay them. Don't hesitate to get involved in the legal group, even at the beginning of the camp and even if you haven't got any particular knowledge.

Translation co-ordination on the camp

Anyone, who speaks more than one language, is invited to take initiative and translate if needed.

Things that need a lot of translations:

Media and office space: translations of press releases, broadcast speeches, web-news, flyers, workshop reports, witness statements, etc. Forums, workshops and any kinds of meetings. Daily situations, work on collective structures, announcements, messages, slogans, poems, etc.

People wishing to act as translators can ask at the central info point to get involved in the translators' pool which will try to get itself co-ordinated to cover the needs of the camp. At the Info point, there will be boards where people will have the chance to write their translation needs and where people able to translate can offer their translation skills. People able to translate are invited to introduce themselves at the barrio meetings to help others identify them more easily. When you speak at meetings, bear in mind that a translation is going to be done. Try to be short and concise, and make regular breaks as you talk. A radio transmitter for live translations will be tested. By setting your small FM radio on a certain frequency, it will be possible for anyone to hear live translations of speeches.

Recommendations, contacts and practical information


• Animals: if, despite our calls not to come with animals to the camp, you've brought them, please take responsibility and make sure you respect people who are scared of dogs or other animals. And that there's no dog shit in the camp, no dog-fights and no other troubles.
• Money and 'free' prices: the camp aims to be a zone free of market and monetary relations, meaning that nothing will be sold at a fixed price. However, people selling militant material at fixed prices (books, videos, audio-tapes, T-shirts...) are invited to give some of their profits to the camp. Meals will work on the 'free' price base. The setting-up of the camp collective infrastructure has cost several thousand Euro. That's why we're asking for a participation fee of 20 Euro for the whole duration of the camp, (according to what you can afford).
• Alcohol/Drugs: The consumption of alcohol/drugs is everyone's personal choice, but the sale of those products won't be tolerated on the camp
• Swimming in the Rhine: be aware that there is pollution and a strong current.
• Vehicles/traffic: The camp is not a road, avoid driving around in cars/vans. There are some bicycles. If you need to move, stay near the car park. We'd like to reduce traffic to a minimum, so that means only the bus (Publix Theatre) and supplies for the camp.
• Journalists/police: In the case of journalists being present inside the camp, take them to the welcome point. If you have definitely identified police inside the camp, inform the Bertha group who will make a public announcement with the sound system.


No Border camp: +33 6 3017 8174

Medical team :
tel: ...
e-mail : ...

legal Team :
tel: +33 3 8861 2033
e-mail: ...

Others :
• webjournal :
• web-radio : http://www.noborder/strasbourg/radio/

Infoshop/internet café (city center):
c/o Syndicat Potentiel
13, rue des couples
67 000 Strasbourg